Gallery of Photos, Poetry, Painting and Music

Women's Rally before Trump inauguration.

Hanuukah Party 2025

Hanukah Party 2025

Congratulations to P'nai Or congregant Diane Lund at the Sept 19 Gala honoring her. The founder of The Lund Report and the Oregon Health Forum, Diane had a decades-long career as an investigative health care journalist before founding the Independent health news website for Oregon and SW Washington. Pictured at the gala with husband Michael and daughter Elissa.

by Gila Ormiston

Michelle Alany & Eric Stern at Music for the Jewish Soul 2024.

Music for the Jewish Soul 5/19/2024.

The “Purimer” Rebbe Aryeh (z"l), celebrating Purim with his beloved Reb Zalman(z"l).
Creation by Zahavi

Shabbat in the Park with Zmira and Chaim.

Tashlich, photo courtesy Yehuda Winter
Poem by Kris Demian

Kol Nidre Service with Elaine lighting the candles.

Rabbi Aryeh's Siddur

Riley, the best greeter ever.

Judith's Brain, by Judith Yehudit Auslander

Cassandra Sagan.

At the Eastside Purim Shpiel. Photo Edis Jurcys.

Michael wrote the script for The Eastside Purim Schpiel held at Cedar Sinai Park, Purim 2024. Photo Edis Jurcys.

Eastside Purim Schpiel 2024. Photo Edis Jurcys.

An East Side Purim Shpiel. Photo Edis Jurcys.

Kedi's favorite spot in WIllamette Park.