P’nai Or Poets

Contact: Kris Demien

.P’nai Or Poets write to open-ended prompts and share scribblings for positive feedback, We're not working toward any publishing goal as a group, but we share information about places to submit our work and recommended resources for further development. All writers are welcome. Please contact Kris or admin@pnaiorpdx.org for the link or location.


July 3 6:30-8:30 zoom

August 7 6:30 - 8:30 zoom

Where is the beauty in it?
by Kris Demien
wonder, digging into decayed twigs,
nut sprouts, root tendrils with no anchor,
and new, black dirt, moist as cake cruggmbs
that clings to my gloves with dank potential.
A centipede emerges from the bottom
edge of sidewalk like an amber jewel,
swivels and slips below before I can count
its legs moving together in a chorus line.
Rock walls holding the raised beds,
form bone structure for rounded
moss-fleeced arms to serve
freshly harrowed worm-tilled soil
just raked for the introduction
of marigolds, and native perennials,
intended partners for the coming
season's dance of hue and height and habit.
Flying over my sunlit shoulder,
landing less than a rake handle's distance
away, a crow inspects my work,
hoping to glimpse the pink squiggle
of an exposed worm.

The Breath of G-d, Zahavi

The Breath of G-d, Zahavi