Remembering Rabbi Aryeh zt”l

Rabbi Aryeh Hirshfield founded P'nai Or in 1991.

Rabbi Aryeh Hirshfield
Founding Rabbi of P’nai Or, 1991

Find Rabbi Aryeh’s discography on Bandcamp:

Rabbi Alan Berg of Beit Haverim remembers Rabbi Aryeh, 1979

“… And there on that lost tape was Aryeh rehearsing, creating an entire accapella magnificence, both flawless and casual of, no less than the Kol Nidre. Oh my. As I listened, I knew it was, like everything that Aryeh sang, above all, a prayer for peace. Less for forgiveness, the traditional purpose of the Kol Nidre. Rather for peace. A kind of Sim Shalom. “ Read more


The “Purimer” Rebbe, Aryeh, celebrating Purim with his beloved Reb Zalman. Aryeh was born two days before Purim in Adar Bet. Photo by Edis Jurcys, courtesy Beth Hirshfield, circa 2004.

Purim with Rabbi Aryeh and musician Michael Sasnow.

Purim with Rabbi Aryeh and musician Michael Sasnow.