Services and Torah Study

Kabbalat Shabbat in the Sukkah with Mashpi’ah Zahavi.

Click the photo for service with Shoshanna Nambi, of the Abayudaya community in Mbale, Uganda.

P’nai Or celebrates Shabbat with chanting, singing, live music, movement, meditation, storytelling and Kabbalat Shabbat potlucks.


  • Each notice will state if the service is in-person, over zoom, or hybrid (in-person and over zoom). For the zoom link, please contact

  • We usually meet at the Hillsdale Community Church, twice a month and on most holidays, 6948 SW Capitol Hwy.

  • We meet at the Eastside Jewish Commons on the 3rd Friday evening of every month, 2420 NE Sandy Blvd

  • During warm weather, we often meet in a parks on the east and west side.

Saturday, March 8, 10:39 am : Saturday, March 8, 10:30 am: HYBRID Shabbat Morning & New Member Ceremony @HCC . Join us during the morning service as we honor our new members with a special New Member Ceremony!A celebratory potluck lunch will follow downstairs.
Please bring a dish to share!

Saturday, March 15, 10:30 am: HYBRID Shabbat Morning @HCC

Friday, March 21, 7 pm: HYBRID 3rd Friday Kabbalat Shabbat @EJC

Saturday, March 22, 2 pm: Torah Study on ZOOM with Reb Zmira

Friday, March 28, 5:30 pm: ZOOM Kabbalat Shabbat with Elisabeth Rogolsky

Saturday, April 5, at 10:30 am at HCC.

The Passover Seder, Saturday, April 12, at 5 pm.